Sunday, May 23, 2010

Busy weekend!

Well this weekend was busy. Friday night was book club. I think we broke the record for attandance and everyone had a great time. Thanks for Kim for hosting.

Me and Melissa

Saturday was our last Chinese lesson for the summer. However, Ms. Jenny is hosting some weekly camps during the summer and Angel will attend one of those. We are excited about that.

Saturday afternoon, we helped Miss Hannah celebrate her 2nd birthday. There was a bouncy house and small train for the kids to enjoy. They all had a blast and we were so happy to help celebrate Hannah's first birthday home from China.

Birthday girl

Sunday we had two birthdays to attend. First we helped Catherine celebrate her 5th bday at Oala Koalas. We had never been there and Angel enjoyed playing the games.

Later we attended Naia's 7th birthday party at Build a Bear! Angel picked a Velveteen Rabbit and dressed it in a karate outfit.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

That WAS quite a weekend. :) Thanks for helping us celebrate- and I just LOVE the rabbit in a karate outfit. So very Angel.