Sunday, April 19, 2009

Josh's Confirmation

Josh did his confirmation on Sunday. It was a beautiful ceremony and I am so proud of him. Completing the requirements for confirmation is not an easy matter. He had to attend CCD classes for the last two years, without missing a significant amount of classes. This past year, candidates were required to have 20 hours of community service, attend two retreats, help with a service project at church, write a letter to the bishop, attend the movie "Passion of the Christ", attend reconciliation, let's see, is there anything I am missing. Parents were also required to attend several meetings. There were over 120 kids in his class, which is amazing to me. Here are some pictures. Afterwards, we had a small get together for him and Angel.

1 comment:

Brownie Troop 157 said...

Congrats to all you the big events that have been happening lately, between both your children. You have a beautiful family.

Kind regards from Miami,

Carol and Taylor