Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fay went Away!!!

Well Thank God Fay is over for our area at least. Fortunately we did not have any damage or major power outages. We were able to get out and about yesterday and today. Yesterday we went out to get some school supplies (Angel needed her SpiderMan backpack and Josh needed a new one also). We also went to see Ellie in a local gymnastics competition. She did really well and it was neat to see in person. Makes you really appreciate the skill of the Olympic gymnasts.

Today we went to church, and then met our friends Sophie and her Mom, Maria at the pool. We were able to swim for about 2 hours until another storm rolled in. So we went over to Sophie's house to play for a while longer. That is Sophie and Angel playing in the picture above.

1 comment:

Brownie Troop 157 said...

Hi Bev,

Please feel free to link! I'm always so happy to find fellow floridians with Chinagirls. Your daughters' are gorgeous and I'm so happy Fay didn't give you too much trouble.

Kind regards from Miami,