Saturday, April 25, 2009

Book club (at least that's what we call it)

Tonight we had our monthly laugh fest umm I mean book club meeting. I have to say, we were in rare form, some more than others. Laureen was our host and we sat outside under her pergola. The weather was perfect, slight breeze and perfect temp. Once it got dark, we brought out the candles and lit the candelier. It was great. I love being outside and since I work inside all day, this was just a perfect night to me. We all laughed so hard. There was the running joke of the small white chair. Since there were so many people, Laureen brought one of Isabel's small chairs outside, so if anyone had to get up to go use the restroom, they lost their chair and had to sit in the little white chair when they came back. It was really funny that night!!

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