Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I've been tagged...

by Carol

1. At my work computer, I must have the programs opened in a specific order. First needs to be Outlook, then Explorer, then IE. After this, I don’t really care about the order If a program gets shut down by mistake and gets out of order, I will eventually shut down all the programs and open them in the “right” order.

2. I have been all the way to China and Europe and have never been to California. I have been on the West Coast (Washington state, Las Vegas) but never to CA. My goal is to get to California in 2009.

3. In college, I had a dog who was a registered Chow Chow. I named him Roman Fu Chu. Roman was just a name I liked and the Fu Chu was after his mom – Chow’s are originally from China. Well I ended up marrying someone named Roman and adopting a daughter from China.

4. I tend to run into people/get to know people with connections to places I have lived/people I have known. While on the Great Wall of China, I saw a girl with a Gate River Run tshirt on. Of course, I asked if she was from Jacksonville. She was and turns out one of the guys she was traveling with worked with another friend of mine. A few years ago, a new employee started working with me. We started talking and it turns out that her parents, for a few years, had lived in the VERY small town that my mom lives in and went to the same church as my mom and knew her. Small world.

5. I lived through a Category 5 hurricane – in Puerto Rico, 1989. Scary – we were without power for a month. I helped the Red Cross feed the military personnel and their families on base.

6. I have a nighttime ritual of watching Friends at 10:00. it is kind of like my signal that the day is winding down.

7. I would love to learn how to decorate cakes, like a professional. When I was a little girl, when we visited my Grandma, I remember looking through her cake decorating books. She was a great baker and could decorate cakes beautifully.

Now I tag:






And anyone else who wants to play!!

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