Sunday, March 23, 2008


We enjoyed a wonderful Easter this year. Of course it was Angel's first Easter. She caught on quickly to the Easter Bunny and hunting for Easter eggs. Of course, this holiday is not about those things at all. It is about Jesus being resurrected from the grave, and we did talk about that as well. I don't think she really understands any of that yet, but she will continue to hear it and hopefully understand and embrace. Mom and sis came down from NC to visit with us.

We went to church and had a nice lunch afterwards. One of our neighbors had an egg hunt and A joined in on that. J wanted to dress up this year so we bought him some new clothes. He looked like quite the handsome young man. He is growing up so fast. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Green Eggs and (Green) Ham

Angel's class read the story Green Eggs and Ham today and they also ate green eggs and (green) ham, and waffles, and strawberries. This goes along so well with St. Patrick's Day. I went in to help with the serving and to click some cute pix. The kids ate really well and had a good time.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Lot's of firsts today

Angel experienced a few "firsts" today. First, our neighborhood sponsored a Easter party. There were bouncy houses, a Easter egg hunt, crafts and the bunny rabbit. Since this will be her first Easter, she has not experienced any of these things before. Our friends Carol and Kimberly and Carol's Mom joined us for the celebration.
Later, we attended a birthday party. The pinata was homemade and another first for Angel. She definitely seemed to enjoy trying to knock it down. There was also a bouncey house at this party so she jumped even more. Needless to say, she was a tired little girl when we got home.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Outdoor fun in February!!!

We have really been taking advantage of our wonderful winter weather. It is the perfect time to be ourdoors playing, mostly in the 70's. Angel loves going to parks or friends houses, swinging and jumping!!